Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Grab the light!

Wednesday afternoon is my planning, marking and resource making time which I usually have for two hours before staff meeting rudely interrupts. ;-) However, no staff meeting today! So, I asked if I could take my things home and work there... permission granted!

Off I went! Upon arrival home I popped on my wellies and went for a very wet, very muddy, walk. I managed to see all four of my emu friends playing in the field but they were too far away from the fence for me to take a decent photograph! I enjoyed being able to go on paths inaccessible in the dark. :-)

I returned home and had a super productive afternoon. Just cracking on with a few more bits and pieces now. I think there's a lot to be said for working from home...not that it'll be happening again any time too soon! :-P

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