CyclopsJnr looked smart when I picked him up from School today - a change from his usual rather casual and careworn look at collection time.

We came home, did his homework, then played another game with letters and sounds.  Last time we had this out it was a bit of a mystery to him, but now he's really good at it.  The difference a few weeks of professional teaching makes!

We built some lego and some duplo, and did some tidying.

We also played did some rugby throwing, catching and kicking with an indoor ball.  The most passes we got with no fumbles (usually due to CyclopsJnr becoming distracted or overexcited) was 18, which isn't bad.

It feels like we fitted a lot in!

We had dinner together (salmon with rice and veg again - this is becoming a regular thing when MrsCyclops is away).

He slept well last night and he's been an absolute pleasure today.  Long may it last...

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