Private Parts
An early start as the SK had secured a consultation. It may be something fixable... or maybe not. Time will tell. Come back in two weeks and keep taking the painkillers.
So after that I thought about my own moving parts; two of the winches in particular seem to be very unclicky. I could only imagine the old grease and grit therein gumming up the pawls. I think I need to go get me some degreaser and new grease too.
And later of course, it being that day of the week, a chinwag with the lads. Only the three old boys there but we still managed a convivial huddle. No shortage of lubricant did help.
And goodbye Tom Watson, disloyal bastard to the great leap forward. In his letter Corbyn said, "Few people have given as much to the Labour movement as you have and I know that many thousands of members and trade unionists that you have inspired and worked with over the years will be very sorry to see you go.”
(But not me.... )
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