
By frogplate

Movember adventures

What sort of idiot would try to break in a new pair of DMs in a month when they are trying to maximise their mileage (kilometerage)? Oh, yes. Me...

This Movember I'm growing a rather threadbare moustache and taking it on 120 km of walks around the exotic streets of London to raise money for prostate cancer research and education. 

In June 2014 I was told I had prostate cancer. The diagnosis was later proven to be wrong, but not before I'd learned a little about the cascade of emotions such news causes. A year later my father-in-law lost his long fight with prostate cancer and I saw at first hand what this disease can do to a fit, strong man. I don't want others to suffer the same way if it can be avoided.

See my Movember page for more exciting details and to perhaps make a small donation.

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