Warm Smiles on a Cold Night

The low temperature tonight is forecast to be 19F / -7C - much too cold to be sleeping outside! Among the options for homeless people here when harsh weather hits are the Severe Weather Shelters run by the Interfaith Coalition of Whatcom County, welcoming places offering warmth, a place to sleep, and food from 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. the next day when there's a snowstorm or when temperatures drop into the low 20s or below.

Interfaith is one of my favorite nonprofits because it shows how despite religious differences, people from a wide variety of faith traditions can come together to help those less fortunate. Its 44 member congregations in Whatcom County support housing for homeless families and affordable community healthcare.

I've been donating my photography services at Interfaith Coalition events recently, and tonight went to the men's severe weather shelter at Faith Lutheran Church. Phil went with me and photographed the volunteers at the check-in desk, where guests -- the men sheltering there tonight, and the 45 who were there last night, and this Saturday and Sunday night, if they wish -- may pick up a bag of personal care items, a pad and sleeping bag, and choose from handknit hats, warm secondhand coats, and other items to make life a little more comfortable. Women and children enjoy similar amenities at Garden Street United Methodist Church in downtown Bellingham.

The church kitchen was a draw for me, and I enjoyed chatting with the shelter site coordinator, on the left in the photo -- who I knew from the Bellingham Farmers Market, where she has a delightful craft stall -- and the kitchen crew for tonight, who were making grilled cheese sandwiches and quesadillas, and serving up homemade split pea and ham soup or vegetable barley soup, made by yet another volunteer, for supper. (Tomorrow night's supper will be donated by a local pizza place; the business community here is generous, too.) Breakfast will be provided by another volunteer crew, and there are volunteers who provide oversight through the night, as well.

People helping other people - kindnesses multiplying - can make a difference!

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