Sweet company

" I got two tickets for the long way round, two bottles of whisky for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company, cause I'm leaving for tomorrow, whatcha say?
When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere
You're sure gonna miss me when I'm gone"

To be repeated on a constant loop with all the complicated movements involving clapping and slapping the cup down.

It's quite enjoyable for the first hour or so but after that it starts to grate.

Spent the entire morning in the kitchen with the rest of the family, chatting and listening to music and watching this new cup/clap/song routine develop which Ruby came home with last night. But, now the sun is over the yard arm so better get my togs on and up the street with Joe for his latest wardrobe additions before we start a FIFA 13 challenge - the main challenge being, how many games will he beat me in before I can muster a shot on target.

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