Pets in Peril

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

As you may imagine, Caro and I have had a much quieter time of it today. We have been eating yesterday's leftovers and napping on the couch while watching tv shows. As you can see, Punky joined us. 

It occurred to me today how obscenely happy this sort of activity makes me. It was really dark and pishing with rain outside too. That made me smile even more.

One of the things we watched this afternoon was this episode of "True Story With Hamish and Andy". And please please please, I urge to you watch it too. It is only 20 minutes long but Caro almost peed in her pants laughing at it. You are welcome.

Afterward, I put on an episode of "Marple". I put these things on especially to facilitate afternoon napping. Sure enough, Caro fell asleep during the middle of it and I thought that, instead of her missing it all, I could just turn it off and put a horror movie on the laptop. I just watched one with headphones in. 

The film DID horrify me, at first. But not for the reason you might think. You see, the film is called, "Bad Moon" and it is about werewolves. However, it is not so much a "boy who cried wolf" tale as a "DOGGIE who cried wolf" tale. In the film, a German Shepherd called Thor is way smarter than everybody else and spends the film trying to protect his (stupid) family from a werewolf.

This is what troubled me. Pets in Peril films often end up with deceased doggie or crushed kitty. 

Nope nope nope nope nope.

So when I realised this was the theme of the film, I knew what I had to do. Skip to the end of the film to ENSURE that the doggie made it. Hollywood is RUBBISH for giving doggies noble sacrifice scenes while humans and their children walk off scot-free*. I am firmly against this. 

However, in this case, I verified that Thor The Doggie was in the final scene, still looking happy and waggy. Which meant I was safe to watch the rest of the film. I really enjoyed it, and would have cheered except that cheering would have awoken Caro and I would have had to tell her it was because a German Shepherd just pushed a werewolf out the window.

I'm telling you all this because it was the best doggie vs. werewolf film ever and if you (I'm looking at YOU, Fat Pete) would like it, it is just a dropbox away.


* I just looked this up. The term "scot-free" originates from the Scandi word, "skat", which means "tax or penalty". It is nothing to do with being free of Scottish people.  

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