
By BernardYoung

I'm Happy

It was a piece of meat.
A tiny morsel of meat
that didn't go down a treat.

It was a bit tough
and I didn't chew it enough
before I swallowed.

What followed was me
in the lavatory,
head over the bowl,

fingers down my throat.
It did dislodge. I saw it
among the vomit.

That doesn't sound
like a big deal
but it put me off my meal

and, for the rest of the evening
and way into the night,
I was still not all right.

Nothing would stay down.
Not even the smallest sip
of water. And my chest hurt.

Just before midnight,
when I coughed up blood
we made the call.

I was sitting in the hall,
running a temperature,
when the ambulance arrived.

They took me to A & E.
The ambulance ride
was a first for me.

Anyway, folks, hours later
(blood pressure checked,
a sample of blood taken,

water drunk and painkillers
administered) I survived.
So I'm happy


(NHS take a bow)

I hope you're happy now

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