Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

a Redskin moment

Redskins vs Seahawks NFC wild card playoff game.

Amidst howls of "Hail To The Redskins" and "RG3...RG3..." the energy of the crowded stadium was palpable and perceived deep in my gut, perhaps like the subsonic rumble of ten thousand wild elephants or a Saturn 5 rocket at lift off.

But this was a quiet moment an hour before the game, before all the crowd funneled in and all the beer was passed about, before all the anticipation and all the excitement as the Redskins charged to a 14 nothing lead in the first quarter, before the momentum changed, before RG3 was intercepted on that long pass, before he ran hobbled in front of the crowd looking more like Forest Gump in knee braces than the Heisman trophy winner and hurdling champion he was, before the decision(s) to keep him in the game, and before he totally blew out his knee on a bumbled snap....

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