Visit to the Congress Theatre i n Eastbourne... see Simon Reeve's one-man show. It was must more interesting than I was expecting - he was endlessly informative and has plenty to say about the environment and dangers of living in certain countries. He was also very funny. When asked in the Q & A session whether there were foods he would not eat, he said that when he was expected to eat monkey brains, he had to dream up a reason why not. He said his culture did not allow him to eat on certain days of the week.  And went hungry.

He encouraged us to be more adventurous in our travels and open up to new and sometimes uncomfortable experiences. My son and I were up in the gallery, looking down on a sea of grey hair, so I feel his advice might not be acted upon 100%.

As before I didn't want to blip him whilst he was on stage.

Will catch up with comments on Monday.

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