Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Will It or Won't It?

So that's the first week of the year over with. I did make one small resolution this year and that is to look after myself a bit better. I finally got round to making that dentist appointment, and yes, I do need that wisdom tooth pulling out. The following day, the migraine kicked in, and that was me off sick for the day. Not the best of starts then.

I was looking forward to the weekend and getting out in the garden. I managed to get a few bulbs planted before the sleet/snow showers began to come in, but didn't have time to take a picture of my polyanthus coming through. Now the weather doesn't seem to know what it wants to do, the big question being, will it or won' t it snow?

Off to the cinema this afternoon to see Jack Reacher and Aliellerb is dragging me to see Les Mis tomorrow. In the meantime, when you plants bulbs, this is what some of the turn out like. P.s. Unusually this is SOOC and I only took two shots...check me out Pippilongstock!

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