Bran Castle, Romania

Finally, the thing we should have done first, a day in the mountains.

Our Romanian hosts led people from UK, Nepal, Switzerland, Croatia, Andorra, Netherlands, Czech Rep., Chile, Japan & Italy on a walk through the staggeringly impressive limestone gorge at Prapastiilor then steeply up through some really wonderful ancient woodland* to the fabbo Curmatura Hut at 1470m.

A moments slip for one delegate had potentially serious consequences, but we soon had him shipped off to hospital** proof that even the best of us can fall.

After that we went looking for Dracula as we also like to do some cultural things... We didn't however want to pay to look at an old building, so we can't confirm if he was there or not.

It was a day filled with good conversation, great ideas, forming collaborations. Much laughter, some genuine care and concern, people pulling together to protect a fallen colleague. It was lost on non of us what a strong team we made, how our common love bonded us. We also noted the absence of four particular countries, proof these meetings are structured wrongly, something we'll address in Zagreb next year.

*Each time I wander in ancient woodland, carpeted with leaves, broad spaces between, I'm saddened for their loss in the UK, they hold a magic that is almost tangible.
** E. is still very confused, he fell approximately 100ft. No significant cuts or bruises, but obvious head trauma. He's been scanned and has no bleeds, the Chile delegate spent the night watching him as he is so confused. Tomorrow he goes for a more detailed scan as a stable skull fracture is suspected. Fingers crossed he awakes with more memory and less worry.

Extras show the gorge (which is kilomètres long and mere feet wide in places) & me with what my colleague assured me was a Romanian Brown Bear.....

Update: E. Given OK to fly by Dr this morning, we have him on a flight home to his family this afternoon.

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