My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


Today didn’t go as expected.

N went off to work and I took L to nursery. N phoned me just as I dropped her off to say his pain levels had gone through the roof and he was turning around mid-commute to get himself to the Urgent Care Centre.

Within about 90 minutes, when I was about to start my first lesson of the day, I heard he was being taken through to be assessed and prepped for emergency hernia surgery. A quick conversation with my line manager and I was on my way.

Family action stations... My parents collected L from nursery at lunchtime. When N went down to theatre I was able to go home and talk things through with L. She’s very good - understanding that the doctors and nurses are making Daddy better but he’s unlikely to be home for a few days. My parents returned to do bedtime - the very first bedtime I have missed in the whole of L’s life.

Surgery seems to have gone well; They needed to open him right up rather than keyhole due to the emergency nature of the situation. It’s early days. It seems that N reacts to anaesthetic in the same way as me... lots of vomiting!

As N said tonight, recovery can start now, rather than still bein got the waiting list for another 8 weeks or more.

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