One click at a time

By KeithKnight

January Daily Challenge - Surprise

Day 12 of Neet's January daily challenge - Surprise: I love when I stumble across coins when I'm walking. It's a lovely surprise. That would be a lucky photo for me. Can you think of a way to capture surprise?

I walked into town today to collect a package from the PO and then walked home again. On the way in I saw this full size Native American statue and took a picture of him. On the way home I thought I'd try and get a different angle, and while there had to wait for this lady of Asian ethnic origin to pass.

Those old enough to have been around before the invention of political correctness may see a connection between the two, those who have known only political correctness will be mystified.

So what is the surprise? - well in a town noted for it's multi-cultured population, someone of Asian ethnic origin is no surprise, but someone of Native American origin is much less common, and quite surprising.

Of course there are likely to be some who say nice contrast between the 2 types of "I", but it would be very un-PC of me to say so. Those brought up in a totally PC world will still be mystified (or in denial).

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