Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

What a day!!!!

Decided to have a bit of a lie in this morning, then up, dressed, breakfast and over to AJ for 9:30.

Plans today - visit 2 residential care homes to see if they are suitable - one at 10am the other at 2:30.

Arrived at the first one - good visit, lots of questions and a good tour of the environment. Left after an hour and a half, back to AJ. Midday by this time.

Whilst AJ had lunch I popped to the supermarket to get her weekly shopping, back to hers to put it away and have my lunch, then 2pm on to the next one.

Another good visit, lots of questions, good tour of the environment. Left after an hour and a half back to AJ’s.

Quick de-brief - then at 5pm my sister calls, thought it was to get an update on today ....... No it was to ask me to take her to A&E as she had been to her GP and they wanted her to have further investigations.

Collected my sister (she does look poorly) and dropped her at A&E, then back to AJ as I had forgotten to give her her weekly injection. Arrived at AJ’s - she had been supported to do the injection ........!

Back to A&E - currently waiting for my sister to come back from x-ray before they decide what is going on, she may need to stay overnight.

I knew I had a lie in for a reason ......



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