Running Into The Sunrise

Dropped m'lady off at the airport for her annual girly ski trip very early this morning. Met up with one of the husbands Pete straight after for a run.

Not sure we'd thought it through, it was pitch black when we met up. The plan was 2 laps around Swinsty and Fewston reseviours, nice trail running. On the second lap the sun came up, it looked real nice.

Pete and I have been friends for over 30 years now, we'll grow old together God willing.

Elsewhere in the world of awesomeness, Sunderland actually won a game today by playing the better football.
Elsewhere in the world of crazy deeds, I'm just thawing out from assisting in a blip for MrJohn. I was entrusted with sparks having proven incapable of drawing 300 backwards.

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