Worlds that dont belong

By Jonny

Alright...there needs to be an easier way to do a self portrait when there's no such thing as a delayed shot that auto focuses before exposure. Lots of guess and check, and "this looks good, nope more turned this way, no I'm slouching, maybe more this way, whoa that's too out of focus, ugh this is..." etc.

I'm not overly please that it's cold and snowy again. I enjoyed being outdoors and in the fresh, warm air, so much yesterday...and we had snow today and 35F weather >.<

-Aside: I'm bored with working in a cube...I always dreamed that I'd be out in the field, working on solving real world problems...saving countless thousands with unique and breakthrough devices. I swear if I could just have the opportunity to break into it, I want to work on water treatment systems for developing nations...End Ramblings-

Mother Nature,

Please stop screwing with me.

No love,

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