Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Spot the difference

This is the set of images which welcomed me to work this morning, far more normal! I hope you can appreciate why I was so excited by yesterday's set. There are also some other frequently displayed randomised images, including; a beaver; a little brown bird; someone showing intense concentration whilst navigating white-water, but oddly, none with flocks of seagulls following trucks compacting active landfill sites.
All of the images (with the exception of the horrid GDPR graphic) come from some photography contest in 2017. I do not know if this was an in-house contest, I suspect that it was, but I've seen no invitation to submit business-related images since I have been on the payroll. Perhaps that is a bell I should ring at some point, not that any image I have ever taken matches the quality of these.

But back to the story.
For about 20 years from 1985 I was a workplace designer, though have never had the opportunity to design my own. I now understand that for my own responsibilities I have little need for a horizontal surface between my chair and my screens (although I do need a decent-sized layout-table for examining and scribbling on A0 prints, perhaps for only ten minutes a week)
So I could get rid of the desks, mount the screens on vertical surfaces, increase my spin-room and all I would require is something like a swivelling baby-high chair incorporating a surface for keyboard, mouse and coffee-mug, plus of course a remote layout table which could be the centre-point of the team – for critical analysis and what-have-you.
Thanks Team-Blip! You have done me a brilliant service!

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