
By BrandonK4


In my last Blip id said todays could be something that has never been on blip before, i had intended on takeing a few pictures and a portraitof a homless women who lives in settle that ive talked to a few times.

I packed my bag the night before so I had everything i needed ready, 2 flashes, cheap triggers ,a make shift light stand (tripod), my 40D and my sigma 70-200 2.8.

Unfortunately me being me ment i over slept so when i got where she lived she wasnt there, instead i went into school and asked a mate if i could take a portrait of him just to practice different lighting set ups etc.

The set up i used in this photo is very simple, its a single flash on his right hand side, pointing directly at a blank canvas, which causes the light to bounce and hit him.

I like the lighting as it gives a very dramatic effect, though i think its a set up that couldnt be sed often.

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