
Today was one of those days.
We went to bed really early (9pm), Lee was really cold so went to bed in jogging bottoms, tshirt, jumper and blanket and started to cocoon himself into the duvet. Charlotte was unsettled from 10:30pm onwards, each time I settled her I went back to bed to even less duvet. In the end I gave up and took myself and the monitor to the spare room. I ended up with a Charlotte too! Eventually I got her to her bed at 2am zzzzzzzzzz.
Woke up again at 4:30am to a crying stinky girl. Nappy changed turned into clothes change followed by milk. She then went back to sleep.
Lee was not feeling great, achey, head fuzz etc. We both ended up going back to bed when she went for morning sleep. Late breakfast followed and then we headed out. We were going to have lunch but neither of us were hungry so we just came home.
Charlotte had a snooze in the pm, I cleaned the bath!
We then headed to Victoria Park but it was incredibly cold, so cold. I don't think Charlotte enjoyed herself.
Came home, lit the fire, played, drank wine, ate tea, drank more wine, ate chocolate, did some school work, ran out of printer ink, drank more wine, finished chocolate. Cuddles on sofa then bed.
Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow.

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