
By tookie

Mallards all in a row..

A weird day weather wise....rainy at first which was just as well as I was glued to the tv watching the impeachment hearings and listening to the Ambassodor's testimony....but then the sun came out later so Cowboy and I got a medium walk in....very good and saw some mallards out taking advantage of the break in the weather.
    As I listened to the testimony of Ambassodor Yovanovitch I saw a parallel to Big R and my time working as VISTA volunteers ( Volunteers in Service to America) which we did in the early seventies.  Yovanovitch was to apply US laws to any corruption she saw going on in the Ukraine....but the more she spoke out about seeing corruption the more she was being tried to be shut her own govt.....and ultimately by tRump.  When we worked in VISTA we were beginning to expose a bunch of violations and wrong doings involving the construction in FHA  housing and the closer we got to exposing things in the media the more road blocks that we faced untio finally we were basically all in the project asked to resign (??)   Well....they didn't really want us exposing corruption as so many top officials were all tied in and so the story goes.   I found it an interesting parallel ...altho worse consequences with what's gone on in Ukraine and then today the pres tweeting which amounted to a threat to all future Ambassadors and to any future wittnesses to be afraid to speak out.  ugh  

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