Cycle Rage?

Continued from yesterday ......

Wonder what fate befell here? Disconcerting to see as we head cheerfully for coffee (seems Cotea has now opened the new premises).

It’s a busy road at times. Lycra Louts, Boy racers, drug or drink, and it was a Friday night!’ Or just didn’t look right and left? Should’ve used the zebra? Who knows! Or is it connected to the other incidents????

Looks like they haven’t had time to clear him away. RIP dear chap. A gruesome way to go.

Update: Surprise surprise. Went to check out new Seychelles eaterie, peered through the window, and there was ‘Crispin’ and his good wife. Fortuitous* (*that’s between me and him) as he had advice about the drive to the Cotswolds (via the Savernake Forest) and other things. Now having a lovely flat white (bit weak for Mr B, but he still enjoyed) at the new Cotea, and a really delicious vegan banana muffin.
NB Bournemouth Christmas Tree Wonderland opened yesterday. Year 2. Well recommended. And an outdoor skating rink. wonderland-p2371703

Thanks to hobbs (Moody Mono) and skeena (Film Noir) for their monthly challenge. And as always to Admirer for Silly Saturday.

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