Canoe Reeves

Popped into the Granton Hub for a tea and a scone and check the progress of the replica iron age boat. Carved from a huge chunk of Douglas Fir using only hand tools. Such graft!

It is on schedule for her maiden voyage in April 2020 to coincide with the start of the Edinburgh Science Festival. Their intention is to row it from Granton waterfront across the Forth to Fife (accompanied by a safety boat offered by the Corinthian Yacht Club). 

The boat is flat bottomed so looks likely to be pretty easy to capsize. Talking to one of the axe wielding chaps he explained that when the bottom of the boat becomes waterlogged it becomes heavier and provides some of the functions of a keel. (I have my doubts). 

Anyway I shall endeavour to blip the launch, maiden voyage and eventual likely sinking in order to allow you closure having whetted your interest in this venture.

Watch this space.

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