
By DancingAly

Mr Scruffy

He'll hopefully be 'Mr Tidy' on Tuesday after his haircut....! 

Finally the bloody sun made an appearance this morning! For me it totally changes the outlook of the day. Unfortunately just like yesterday I was awake at the normal 7am, despite it being the weekend, and I couldn't get back to sleep. I decided to make the most of it and had another bash at finishing my assignment. I got a bit done, and was ready and dressed by about 10am, whereupon after scrambled eggs I went back to it again. 

Little Ro is going away for a two weeks to a treatment facility for alcohol dependence. It's going to be strange without her. She's not allowed her phone for the first week, but we're going to go visit her next Sunday. We've all had a chuckle this week as she's enlightened us with tales of complimentary therapies available, including something called 'gong therapy'.....! 

After she'd left I went to Guildford for a browse which was really nice in the sunshine. I bought some socks in Lululemon and that was about it. 

I was determined to go to the gym tonight- I don't think I've been since August. There weren't many of my friends there but it turned out it didn't matter. I had a really good warm up, joined in with lines and had a good time on beam and bars. A few somersaults on the trampoline and then home! My left shoulder wasn't happy before but it's definitely been aggravated tonight, which is frustrating, but I was really glad I went, even if I know I'll be sore the next day! 

** 'sore' was a bit of an understatement! My breastbone hurt as did my ribs, my arms were very sore, and two days later peaked when even lying in bed was painful, let alone trying to cough! It'll get easier if I start going regularly again! 

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