
By DancingAly

Smart Haircut

He's a little longer than I'd have liked, but I suppose he'll need some fur for the winter! 

The Christmas Play rehearsals at school have gone really well.... I smell a rat! It's been too smooth, and it's still so far away so there's bound to be trouble later on! 

I was looking forward to and dreading college in equal measure tonight! I worked hard the last couple of nights trying to get the blasted essay done- I'm sick of even writing about it. I don't think I'll pass first time, but that's ok. I've done as much as I can, and if it's wrong, then I need some more guidance so that I can get it right. If I could describe it in two words, I'd say it was 'boring' and 'difficult'! I know I won't like it when I get it back with an 'R' in the box instead of a 'P', but it was confusing and yet fairly simple in equal measure! I'd say there was a bit of learning in it, as I did have to do a lot of research and therefore I know more than when I started, but I'm not sure it's the best way to be able to show what we know, put it that way.....

Unfortunately it was a bit of a strange session. When we got there our room was empty, and it turned out our tutor wasn't well, so they put us in with the other group and our old tutor who takes the other class, which made for a HUGE circle of chairs and almost 25 people!

I was pretty thrown and my heckles were up more than usual, but although it was a bit different, it was quite good to see the other group, and it was nice to be with all the familiar faces from last year. I did get asked my opinion by Sarah, my old tutor, and although I avoided the check-in, I was surprised that I answered quite easily! It must be because it was about children/education..... a topic that we are sort of covering tenuously. 

We were let out early after we received the brief about our next assignment, so I was home by 8pm, and relaxed in the tub with a cup of tea.

It's been a busy week, and now there's just Friday to get through. 

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