Oh NO...Sno.....

So it’s sorta Summer.....Except that the temperature this morning was 4c and this was the view out the bedroom window when The Boss had his eyes open and looked. It’s only icing sugar he said and by tonight inspite of the weather ( That tells you wether the weather will be weathery ) report about rain we had a great extended stagger of 14 Kms and only changed our clothing about 4 times and I stayed uncovered all the time. 
It was a very interesting stagger as our leader had arranged a talk from the contracting folk who are building a roundabout on the major road into town to access a new large development including a hotel (WOW) that no one in the group had heard about. Amazing for a small town like ours. The other walker Blipper’s acyclinggranny and Pianolady are out of town so the extra has a pic of the walkers.

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