Red Earrings

Today's the day ……………………. to receive

Being part of blipfoto is such a joy - not least because of all the talented and artistic people that you come into contact with.

It turned out that loulou164 and I had friends in common and we actually got to meet earlier in the year.  In fact she was sitting very close to me at Rob and Anna's wedding in September and so we had a good chat then.  And anyone who follows her journal will know that she - and other members of her family - are a very talented lot.

She recently posted a blip of some jewellery that she was displaying at a craft fair.  I took a fancy to a pair of red earrings - and asked if I could buy them.  She said yes - and today they arrived in the post.

So this is just to say - thanks loulou164 !  They are just as gorgeous as they looked in your blip...……………. 

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