The Billion Women Dance: first practise session

14th February 2013 is V-Day. One billion women and those who love them across the globe will strike, rise and dance to demand an end to violence against women.

Our plan in Norwich is simple. We'll have a mass dance outside the Forum at 1pm on that day. We hope this will inspire 20,000 women and those who love them across the city to dance too.

My mate Shelly Telly, who initiated the 'Norwich Rising', and others on the organising group invited people to come along to the Forum this morning at 10am (10am! On a Sunday! I hear you gasp) where people could start to learn the dance together with a couple of local dance teachers, Anne and Jasmine Marie.

Our local radio station, Future Radio, is being very supportive of the event and Jasmine Marie did a few soundbites which will be broadcast at some point. Being slightly gobby I made a little contribution.

It was cold, but it was dry and about a dozen people turned up: women, girls, their children and one chap, Dean, who you can see on the right of the photo.

It's been decided that we're going to have these sessions every Sunday until the 14th February which will be great for keeping momentum and morale going, and for raising awareness. Several people stopped and asked what we were doing and why, which was brilliant.

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