
It's cold and foggy today here in Delfzijl.
I planned to go out for some photography in the morning, because these circumstances were predicted yesterday. I had some drone flying in mind. My idea was to get just above the fog to capture some nice tree tops or (harbour) buildings somewhere near.
But when I discovered I hadn't recharged my batteries since Scotland, all those plans vanished into thin air (the opposite of fog) and I went to my office instead.

I went home early and decided to give it a try at home anyway, there was a bit of power left in the batteries for that.

I took the drone up from my back  yard and soon found out that the fog was too thick to fly above it. All grey and no visibility up to 100 meters.
I landed the thing and almost crashed it doing so. Somehow the altitude sensor blocked. The controller gave me a warning just in time, so I could stop descending. Otherwise it would have crashed on the terrace at full speed. Oops...
Luckily after a reset and restart the sensor was fine again.

Plans are I'll be flying next Friday morning together with my cousin Gert.
He recently passed his drone-flying exams, so I'm hoping to get some usefull tips and tricks.

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