Jaded but ....
..... have lasted.
These roses along with an arrangement, were given to me by daughter C and G/D R on the 27th October . So I think they need a rest from their blooming so beautifully. Well done M & S for these long lasting flowers.
I went to the pool this a. m. and have been quite busy since 8a.m. After the pool I've managed to sweep and collect yet more leaves from the garden path, there is now 7 bags of leaves to go to the tip. All come from my neighbours Acer ! It is so difficult for me now. Next I prepared and cooked 2 meals for the freezer , vacuumed and made a bed up with fresh bed linen as I have someone staying next week. So a well deserved sit now waiting for my supper to cook ( jacket potato) is welcome. Must say I feel an achievement tho'.
Do hope your Wednesday has gone well blippers.
Appreciate ..... the temperature being much better than yesterday morning , when I left home at 7.50a.m.
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