Phoebe’s turn
Given that my photo ops are fairly restricted by my lack of mobility, I opted for another iPhone cat photo. Phoebe spent a considerable part of the afternoon curled on my lap in front of the fire, barely deigning to raise her had and give the camera a squinty look. I did a bit of faffing in Snapseed and like the that’s a wrap for today.
I spent some time this morning emailing an invoice and some documents to a magazine that has purchased one of my hummingbird pics. It is a scholastic magazine used in classrooms, and since the story supports nature and conservation, I’m all in. Plus they are paying me, which is always a bonus.
Other than that, it has been an uneventful day so sitting with my booted foot elevated. I am so glad that the weather isn’t fabulous, else I’d be even more resentful about being house-bound. But at least with my new wheels I can get to the loo unassisted. That’s something to put in the Plus Column.
I shall be announcing the TinyTuesday results tomorrow (hopefully assisted by the Tufted Titmouse team) so stay tuned to this Space.
A little about Phoebe...someone left her in the parking lot of a donut shop on a busy highway when she was just 2 months old. She ended up spending the next four months in various shelters before we adopted her. That was 12 years ago and she is no longer the terrified waif we brought home that day. No, she is the Queen of the House, make no mistake. And she is dearly loved.
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