Perhaps I'll Photoshop in some Santa hats and use it as a Christmas card.
While I'm on rabbits, why does my Mam always find a way to discuss dead rabbits when I speak to her - I feel sure this wasn't the case before we had rabbits.
Work and all normal things happened today, and something that has given me apalling mouth ulcers all over my tongue. Despite drenching it in lydacaine I still feel like it is eight times too big for my mouth. I'm choosing to blame some gluten-free bread as being the only new thing I have eaten today.
Or I'm allergic to my Mam.
Very long call tonight, with lots of biting my tongue (oh, that could be it!) over politics and dead bunnies. I may, however, have convinced her to give the local LibDems a hearing (if I can just convince them to soft-pedal the revoking A50 stuff ...)
In other news, there are some cruel mean folk on Twitter. I need to make a better effort to read outside of my bubble.
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