Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Downtown Geneva, New York

Living in the Finger Lakes Region, we are fortunate to have a couple of great Mennonite owned stores not too far from home. I love going to these stores for spices and baking staples. The prices seem much more fair than the tiny glass jars (or not!) in the grocery stores!

I had my Nikon camera with me on this particular outing and I was thrilled to see the sky promising colorful opportunities. That is, until Husband decided to turn into Lowe's to do a little tool shopping.

By the time we came out of the store, the sky had darkened and it was beyond dusk. I was annoyed, but sometimes we don't get our own way. As we were going along Routes 5&20, the city of Geneva had enough light to get this photo. Of course, the Nikon was in its backpack in the back seat, so I opted to once again use the cell. Not the best photo, but I liked the look of the flags flanked by the pair of church spires.

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