A dash across the fields: one street #13

Blurrily opening my eyes this morning I could see dark and amazing colours peeking up below the blind. Leaving a warm bed and an amazed Himself, I threw on some clothes, fed the cats clambering at the door, grabbed the camera and ran across the frosty field towards the strand, about 700m, pheasants flying in my wake. Stupendous pinks and golds but changing so fast, and so many birds - heron, egret, curlews, cormorants, crows, gulls, and very cold. Only about the 3rd frost we've had this winter. Later when I went to get the papers, I stopped off to chat to some friends at the infamous flower sculptures and everything had changed again - metallic blues and greys and not a whisper of wind. Kayaking was mentioned but we decided it was too cold on ones posteriors. Later again, we went for a walk over the mountain and all had changed yet again - greys with hints of gold.

Technically not exactly on the street but a small boreen off it, I think that counts!

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