The New Exhibition Is Up

The 7 images Start Here (in the order you will go through them if you choose to look).

It was wispy clouds with some precipitation (which missed us completely).
There was a wee bit of ice left in the sheltered spots in the valley and plenty of leaves in the stream (I like they way they take your eye along their route in this one) - although I didn't see any of them at the waterfall (can it be classed a waterfall?) 
By the afternoon the clouds had become real and it was really quite mild out of the wind.
While I was waiting for PD to reappear from the bushes I noticed this tree with the weird  white trunk and red branch combination. I ended up having to go and look for PD and found him just finishing eating something. I have no idea what it was because there was not a trace left, but whatever it was must have been fairly substantial because he was in there quite a while. Hopefully he will not be adversely affected by it - he certainly hasn't been as yet. 

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