Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A treat at the pool but not at the gallery

The diet was going well last night. I sat and watched JR eating two, possibly three, shortbreads with her coffee. I did not.

But later in the evening, round about Borgen time, she appeared with a chocolate Santa that she'd hidden ages ago. So of course I had to eat it.

I got up and went swimming as penance when the pool opened at 9am. Sunday mornings are usually spent in my PJs watching morning TV and reading the papers/blipping. But not today.

I was first in! What a treat that was. This wee pool is always mobbed, so to see it flat calm and empty was so wonderful, I really had to restrain myself from just chucking my bag to the side and jumping straight in with my coat on.

I don't count my lengths now, I know that I do 8 lengths in the first 10 minutes. But that may not equate to 24 lengths in 30 minutes, as I do slow down and have to 'fix my goggles' more frequently. But I managed an extra 5 minutes today. I may not seem much, but I feel it is. It was getting very busy by then anyway.

Off we went to see the Peploe exhibition. We assumed it was at the Gallery of Modern Art Modern One, but it was at the Dean Gallery Modern Two. But the one at at the Gallery of Modern Art Modern One was amazing!

Amazingly awful, that is. What a load of complete and utter balderdash! I suppose it's meant to shock. But there were art videos pornographic videos being shown in two rooms. The static 'art' was rubbish too, eg one selection of sketches, beautifully mounted and framed, was labeled, by the 'artist' as, '9 desperately shit self-drawings'. And they were. Scribbles. What an insult.

There was a whole room of 'piss flowers'. Yes, the 'artist' and her husband had pissed in the snow, then taken casts of the hole, and made plaster 'flowers'. Of course, there was a whole pretentious waffle about the artistic merits and the deep meaning hidden within.

However, on the way to the Dean Gallery Modern Two, we passed by our man sunk in the pavement. He looks like he's just been to the Desperately Shit Exhibition too. I should really do him on a Monday, and he can fit in with Lazooligirl's LBM.

At the Dean Gallery Modern Two, it was a real artist. Peploe. With real paintings, showing real skill and mastery and respect for his subject and viewers. Thank goodness.

And we did make the discovery that the much lamented 'Free Gallery Bus' is doing the rounds again. It's a minibus this time. I do hope they keep it up.

There was a wee bit of snow this morning as I went to the pool, and still going when I came out, but sadly it's stopped now. Arthur's Seat looks like a great big Christmas pudding with a dusting of icing sugar.

Which reminds me, the diet's going well today...

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