shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Messy Church

A great but rather chaotic time at church this morning. We are meeting at Clarkston Halls, and it seems their caretaker was ill or something, as when we turned up this morning, there was no-one there to let us in! Manic phone calls were made, and we ended up having our service at the White Cart, in their restaurant bit, and then headed back to one family's house for the lunch we'd brought to share. It was already a non-standard service as it was taken by some fantastic guys from The Haven, which is a Christian rehab centre in Kilmacolm helping guys with drug and alcohol problems. We heard some amazing stories and met some wonderful people, and with it being so informal, it was probably even better than it would have been if it had all been in Clarkston Halls. Some great singing too!

Apologies for shot quality, I decided at the last minute not to take my camera with me, as I didn't think I'd need it, and there were so many great shots I missed. Obvious lesson for me there!

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