.... Ha Ha!

Had need to check a few things out in Penrith today so on the way back went via the mighty Nepean River for a walk. Even though the heat has dropped some, it was still pretty warm and the air still full of haze..... 
BUT it has rained!

Only 4 mm so far but late this arvo a thunder storm rolled over and has drenched a lot of the fires - just brilliant thanks for your prayers!

Anyway, back to the pic - spotted this Silver Eye which obviously was busy building a nest.
As it took off, I noticed another bird move around up in the top of another tree and it was a Satin Bower Bird!

Followed its movement and where it went there was another one. 

What happened from there was just super to watch and get some pics. After getting on the computer find they are juveniles, and research tells me the male only turns dark from 6 to 7 years old.

The sequence of pics starting here on Flickr shows the "young gun" busy courting with its blue drink bottle lid and a gum leaf. After about five minutes of backward and forward the "young lady" must have decided the dowry was not enough and took off leaving him wondering where he went wrong.... he he!!

Enjoy and have a look in LARGE and if you wish a link to a You Tube by David Attenborough explains a bit more the amazing trouble the males go to to court! The link

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