
By sharon143

Up early and up to Nottingham house . J off work today and tomorrow to do mostly choosing and buying stuff. Spent a good while talking things through with builder and electrician - like both of them and they are obviously very used to working together so feel very positive about that. J very excited as this is the early stripping everything out stage so things already looking very different. Then set off to look at lights, tiles , flooring etc. He likes things pretty plain and is relatively easy to please so we found some lights, tiles and flooring pretty quickly . Now I know what he like can do some research to see if I can get anything at a better price. Called into Wren just to ask about lead times but ended up booking an appointment for tomorrow to all more about plan. Went to cinema in the evening to see The GoodLiar and then over to S andAs to catch up with them after her jewellery class.

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