Hello Lovely Blippers - it's been a while since I was on Blip!

When Mrs. HCB was unloading her shopping this morning, I was pleased to see that she had bought some Superfast Oats so was looking forward to being able to run much faster than hitherto after I had had a few bowls for breakfast, because I thought it said on the packet “Perfect for Bears” but I’ve just looked again and it says “Perfect for Porridge”, which is rather disappointing!  

I then overheard Mrs. HCB telling her supermodel, Mr. HCB, that she had bought some “Living Basil” so once again, I was getting excited, because I thought that meant I had a new friend, but it turns out that it’s just a herby plant that she sprinkles into her bolognese dishes.  Ah well, I guess it is Silly Saturday, so I won’t get too excited about the tin of butter beans that’s also sitting on the worktop.

I hope you all have a great weekend - it’s drizzly and cold here in Swindon - and I don’t think it’s going to get much better, but at least we have a warm and cosy home.   Now perhaps a bowl of that porridge might warm me up but I will make sure I eat it quickly, because I remember a long time ago, someone called Goldilocks ate all my porridge while we were waiting for it to cool down!

I know that last night Mrs. HCB had a very stressful evening so didn’t do much commenting, and she did say she was very sorry about that but I just hope she soon gets her act together because after all, it is only 32 days until Christmas - now that really is something to get excited about!

Love from J H Ted xx

This joke made Mrs. HCB laugh - hope it might bring a smile to your face too!

Some children were lined up in the cafeteria of 
     a Catholic elementary school for lunch. 
At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. 
One of the nuns had written a note, 
     and posted it on the apple tray: 
"Take only ONE. God is watching." 
Moving further along the lunch line, 
     at the other end of the table was 
          a large pile of oatmeal raisin cookies. 
A child had written a note, 
     "Take all you want. 
           God is watching the apples." 

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