
By PeteWpics

On a scale of 1 to 11

I spent the last 3 years of my working life as guard on the railway at Longleat House a 15" gauge rail that runs past the lake and through the woods for about a mile. If anybody googles this I hasten to say that I was employed after it's famous crash. It had been given the name of Jungle Express and had a jungle themed station with King cobras wrapped around the columns but during my time there management decided to get rid of the jungle theme and rename it Longleat Railway. I could understand their reasoning as some visitors had expected the train to take them through actual jungle and were probably a bit concerned about passing lions and tigers in a miniature train with no doors on the coaches. But it was a great theme and the little kids loved it so it was sad to see it go. When the cobras were dismantled I kept this head for a memento. I've always intended to make a lamp out of it but I'm never quite sure where I should put the bulb. Maybe I should just fix it to the bonnet of my Ford Focus, that would cause a stir in Downham. 
Scale of 1 to 11? If you need to tell the difference between a King cobra and an ordinary cobra count the scales on its head. If there are 11 it's a King cobra, though it probably isn't advisable getting that close to a real one. Thank you Admirer for hosting this week's Silly Saturday.

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