It´s coming along!

This is the building project I have been documenting this past year....and it is really coming along quickly now. It is long process but it is going to be lovely when its done :-) B and B have shown amazing patience and stamina in terms of this project - Im impressed :-)

It has been a good Sunday - I have gotten a lot done - talked to good friends - taken photos - had time with boys as they drift in out and about....still, I find it strange, not sure what I think about having boys and yet not really doing much with them. I miss them a bit. They are both very independent and active with friends. They are here with their friends a lot as well, and that is great but I miss time when we do more things together and yet Im not sure how much to push for it either. They are happy, doing well, hanging out with good kids and doing good things....I think they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing - I just need to figure out where I fit into this....I have talked to some other parents today and I dont think I am alone with this dilemma....hope it is not just me :-)

Ok...but now the boys and I are going to go make some "evening food" and I am going to enjoy having them both here at the same time :-)

Have a good night!

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