Step on my old size 9’s

9th Blip Birthday!

I’m pretty sure each year I say things are so different than last year. This year that’s definitely true. We are still acclimatising to being back in the UK after 4 years in Aus. I was asked the other day if I felt we made the right choice (standard British question when it’s cold and people wonder why we left a warm country!). The answer is of course we made the right choice! The past 6 months has proven that to us. Yeh, we’d love a bit of heat now and then and really miss some amazing people in Perth but here is home. Even this new part of the UK is still home! The night are drawing in and the walk to work is cold but we’ve just seen Jen’s folks last weekend and off to see my family next weekend. Something that we could only dream of the last 4 years.

New boots after my last pair of new boots broke (got a refund) are actually size 8... but that would have been so last year! Went to see Last Christmas, Christmas film #1 for me this year. I enjoyed it. A fun film about family, relationships and all that good Christmas stuff with plenty of WHAM and George Michael songs thrown in!

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