Wasdale (Day 1662)

I had a rare lie in this morning. My body clock woke me at 8am, which is highly unusual.
Once the (wet) morning woofer wander was out of the way, I loaded up the back of the truck with stuff for the dump, and  my beautiful wife and I made our way to Stromness. After a visit to the dump, we went to the horses. HV had organised for a delivery of hay - four big round bales, and we spent a while shoving the bales onto pallets, then wrapping the whole lot in a tarpaulin. The 30mph wind made it a bit tricky.
Home for lunch, then we took the woofers to Wasdale where they got utterly filthy. We were lucky to dodge showers on a grey, windy afternoon.
HV zoomed off to work, and I spent the afternoon doing some paperwork.

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