Back to Business

After the emotional weekend, it was business as usual today with drizzle, a general miasma of cheerless murk and not one blip jumping into the can voluntarily. Hence you see, in desperation, this small exquisitely formed case of chocolate shoes which was given to me by a friend on my birthday. It has stayed closed this long only because I was saving it for a rainy day blip and having now done that , it’s hours of staying closed are numbered.

I had a lovely surprise last night when Barrioboy and Digitaldaze popped in to the Dower House on their way to Largs to stay with Bb’s mother (who is a youthful lady of 94 who inspires me as I come to grips with widowhood.)

We had a cup of tea together before they left with one of my beanies. Another one was sold to a friend this morning, so I’m now busy knitting 2 replacements to augment my delivery for a church sale in aid of the MarieCurie Hospice.
It was exactly the weather to sit knitting whilst listening to Classic FM.

Thank you one and all for you lovely comments yesterday ; it made a hard day slightly less awful to know that I had your support. And I got through the date, it can’t ever be so bad again.......... think positive.......

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