Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

We Ride

I love to ride
There's a sense of pride
In being able to ride

Where do I begin
Is it a sin
Depending on the moood I'm in

I go out on a hack
Off to there and back
There's nought I lack

Or maybe a jump
Though it gives me the hump
When I land on my rump

My horse always plays fair
Unless he has a scare
Which thankfully is rare

He trots with a vigour
Bounces are de rigueur
I think he's related to Tigger

But when to canter he gets
It's off with the bets
For there's never regrets

As with the wind he races
Flat out in places
And all around the faces

Look on with awe
Amazed at what they saw
Each with a dropping of jaw

Till finally to halt we come
Where sweat pouring and some
Rather detracts from our sense of aplomb

But to us it matters not a jot
And off we happily trot
For this is what it's about

For we know can have pride
In ourselves and those by our side
For together, we ride

Terry Rhiannyr (Terry Reader)
January 2013

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