Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

12 Days

I got this cute dish towel last year and I decided to iron and starch it so I can hang it in the kitchen.  Today it provided an EB because I was completely without photo motivation.  

We had our high temperature of 40F when we got up this morning and it's been going down ever since.  It started snowing a few hours ago and we're supposed to get about 18 inches by tomorrow afternoon.  I suspect that tomorrow's blip will involve snow.  Stay tuned. :-))

The grocery stores are always busy before a big snow and even more so with Thanksgiving in a few days.  I am grateful that I forced myself to stop on the way home from water aerobics this morning because now I have all the ingredients for my Gram's soup and I plan to make a huge potful tomorrow.

I just saw the roads and traffic on the news and it already looks terrible.  I am so grateful that Becky is already safely home and she's off the rest of the week. :-)


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