Edinburgh Dusk

A busy, relatively productive day today ... which given recent goings on at my place of work is a good thing. More of the same tomorrow I think.

I took my Three Legged Friend for a walk again this evening because I wanted to get some better light trail pictures in front of the Bank Bar and on North Bridge, but I got distracted on the way by the gigantic moon and ended up shooting some shots on Castle Terrace too.

Finally, as I was hurrying off to my friend's for dinner I came upon this scene ... 5 minutes earlier and the sky would have been even better, but I had to stop and take some shots. A guy even stopped to chat to me and ask if I sold my pictures, which was a nice little boost - I must at least have looked the part. I gave him my flickr address and we'll see if he looks/comments.

A really difficult job choosing which shot to post tonight. Hope I made the right choice - I've not done a 'classic' Edinburgh shot like this for a good while.

Oh, there was also this woman with a funky hat and the sun on her shoulder from this morning, but that's far to like my other stuff (and I've shot almost exactly the same shot before) to post today!

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LOTD: Southside Snapper's B&W Study 10 - is a perfect composition and great reflection.

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