Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Viny or CD?

I understand that Vinyl records are staging a comeback ...

The Vinyl record dates back to the 1960's. Ian Campbell died in November 2012. I really love this LP. But LPs contained of a lot of snap, crackle pop -yes, the sound when they were playing properly was so much smoother than today's CDs, but the defects were so painful.

This particular LP was a favourite, but always had the usual vinyl problems, and of late it sticks in the middle of a special track; after seeing the news that Ian Campbell had died I found that I could get a copy on CD (2 CD's, but even so quite expensive).

So, the vinyl revival - my entirely personal view (hearing) is that if it were not for the inevitable and quite frequent pressing problems, I prefer vinyl, but the defects are so bad that overall I'd prefer to listen to the CD, though I really want to change tone and other settings to try to get nearer to the quality of the original LP.

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