I got a letter...

...this morning, but it was for another bungalow several bungalows down the road. It is the next road (although the road name is the same...).

So I was wondering when I get the postal vote in the post, and with the postman playing musical letterboxes, I thought I would deliver it, and maybe ask if they had my mail. I don't know them. I  have never seen anyone use that bungalow.

I got there and I am trying to open the letter box, then I remembered I meant to ask if they had my mail. So I looked for the doorbell or doorknocker, but nothing. So I tried to rattle the letterbox, but I was unable to open it. It felt funny. So I step back away from the door. I can see they have quite a top of the range white sports car. So maybe someone is in?

Maybe knock on the door? But then I realised the letterbox is glued firmly shut with clear epoxy resin, which is why it felt weird.

I don't want to knock on their door by now, and I decide if my postal vote form has gone to them then I will forgo voting this time...

But hang on, my brain begins to think, if I can't post their letter, then the postman couldn't have given them my postal vote letter.

Then I see a couple of weird postal boxes on their outside wall. One has a key hole but no letter hole. The other is very small and black and is only big enough to post a small postcard sized mail through.

But the letter I have for this address is A4, which is 4 times that size!

Where on Earth can I leave this blinking letter? I want to get home by this time. I fold this stiff A4 sized letter in 4 and stuff it into this little black post box on the wall by her front door (well the letter said it was to Miss Elaine....).

And I get back home as fast as I can...

Next time I get a wrong letter, it can wait until I find a normal red post box and the postman can deliver it again...

As I come into my front room, I see this card, and another pinned in to my walls. Weird sums up this strange glued up letter box. So I combined these two photos for my blip for today.

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